Editing "Berb"
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# Berb's first program # Small changes by Alistair: # - Used a boolean for 'hit', and moved 'hit=FALSE' inside loop. # - Filled in answer to "Picture" query and added "ELSE" clause. # - Simplified drag as per email (behaviour is unchanged). # (Berb, you can remove this comment when you've read it.) # Wow! The pages look cool now and , even better, I come back # And my code has been fixed! NIFKI Rocks! # [Are you supposed to be able to float through the walls by pushing hard? # --Tom] # That's because the main loop is in the order "bounce, thrust, move, bounce, # thrust, move, ...". If you change it to "thrust, bounce, move, thrust, # bounce, move, ..." it won't sink in. --Alistair. MOVE WINDOW TO (0, 0) RESIZE WINDOW TO (256, 256) #man = SPRITE(Rocks_manPNG) GLOBAL man = SPRITE(AtomRaft_ball) shell = SPRITE(AtomRaft_ball) RESIZE shell TO (10,10) GLOBAL dx = 0 GLOBAL dy = 0 GLOBAL drag= 0.95 MOVE man TO (WINDOW.W/2, WINDOW.H-30) MOVE shell TO (112, 112) WHILE(KEYS.Escape != 1) { hit = FALSE IF KEYS.UpArrow { GLOBAL dy = dy - 1 } IF KEYS.DownArrow { GLOBAL dy = dy + 1 } IF KEYS.LeftArrow { GLOBAL dx = dx - 1 } IF KEYS.RightArrow { GLOBAL dx = dx + 1 } MOVE man BY (dx,dy) IF man.X + man.W > WINDOW.W { GLOBAL dx = -dx hit = TRUE } IF man.X < 0 { GLOBAL dx = - dx hit = TRUE } IF man.Y + man.H > WINDOW.H { GLOBAL dy = -dy hit = TRUE } IF man.Y < 0 { GLOBAL dy = -dy hit = TRUE } IF hit { SET man.Picture = AtomRaft_ball2 } ELSE { SET man.Picture = AtomRaft_ball } GLOBAL dx = dx * drag GLOBAL dy = dy * drag WAIT } DEF AgentMove(){ MOVE man BY (dx,dy) IF man.X + man.W > WINDOW.W { GLOBAL dx = -dx hit = 1 } IF man.X < 0 { GLOBAL dx = - dx hit = 1 } IF man.Y + man.H > WINDOW.H { GLOBAL dy = -dy hit = 1 } IF man.Y < 0 { GLOBAL dy = -dy hit = 1 } IF hit == 1 { #man = SPRITE(AtomRaft_ball2) } IF dx > 0 { # GLOBAL dx = ABS(dx) * drag } IF dx < 0 { # GLOBAL dx = -(ABS(dx) * drag) } IF dy > 0 { # GLOBAL dy = ABS(dy) * drag } IF dy < 0 { # GLOBAL dy = -(ABS(dy) * drag) } }
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