Editing "ItGame2"
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# Ideas for new objects: # * Make the earth eatable by it # * Doors with switches which have to be held to keep door open # * Coins that it or they have to collect before finish level -- # * Multiple its # * Things that kill its GLOBAL manPNG = Rocks_manPNG GLOBAL itPNG = Rocks_rockPNG GLOBAL wallPNG = Rocks_wallPNG GLOBAL blankPNG = Rocks_blankPNG GLOBAL killPNG = Rocks_leftPNG GLOBAL earthPNG = Rocks_earthPNG GLOBAL diamondPNG = Rocks_diamondPNG # ... and also our own floorPNG. # A maze game. WHILE TRUE { playUntilWin([ "######################", "# #", "# I #", "# ########### #", "# #### #", "# # #", "#### XXX#########", "# ####### #", "# #", "# # #", "# # #", "#XXXXXXXXXXXXXX#:::::#", "################ #", "# #", "# M #", "######################" ]) playUntilWin([ "######################", "# : #", "# : #", "# I################ #", "# # XX # #", "# # # #", "# # XX # #", "# # ########## # #", "# # # # # #", "# # #I # # #", "# # ####X # # #", "# # # # #", "# # # # #", "# ############# # #", "# X # #", "# # #", "# XX #M #", "######################" ]) playUntilWin([ "#####################", "# #", "# # # #", "# # # #", "X XXXXXXXX X###### #", "X I : : #", "X : : #", "XX#######X X#########", "# # # #", "# # # #", "# # # #", "# # # #", "########## ##########", "# # #", "# M # #", "#####################" ]) # Add new levels here. Rocks_celebrate(killPNG) } # Plays the same level repeatedly until the player solves it. DEF playUntilWin(map) { WHILE NOT playLevel(map) {} } # Test if position newX, newY is on top of a wall DEF DoesCollide(newX, newY, man) { FOR i= IN 2 { FOR j= IN 2 { IF i == 0 { tileX = FLOOR newX } ELSE { tileX = CEIL newX } IF j == 0 { tileY = FLOOR newY } ELSE { tileY = CEIL newY } ahead = bgSprites[tileY][tileX].Picture IF ahead == wallPNG { RETURN TRUE } ELIF ahead == earthPNG AND man { RETURN TRUE } ELIF ahead == killPNG AND (man OR NOT man) { GLOBAL dead = TRUE RETURN FALSE } } } RETURN FALSE } # Plays a single level, displays a success or failure screen, and returns TRUE # for success and FALSE for failure. DEF playLevel(map) { RESIZE WINDOW TO (24, 16) # Define the mapping of characters to pictures. pictures = [] pictures[" "] = blankPNG pictures["M"] = blankPNG # This marks the start position. pictures[":"] = earthPNG # pictures["+"] = diamondPNG pictures["I"] = blankPNG pictures["#"] = wallPNG pictures["X"] = killPNG # Construct sprites for the map, count diamonds, and find the start position. GLOBAL bgSprites = [] FOR y=row IN map { GLOBAL bgSprites[y] = [] FOR x=char IN row { sprite = SPRITE (pictures[char]) SIZE (1, 1) MOVE sprite TO (x, y) GLOBAL bgSprites[y][x] = sprite IF char == "M" { manX = x manY = y } ELIF char == "I" { itX = x itY = y } } } # Construct a sprite for the man. man = SPRITE (manPNG) SIZE (1, 1) it = SPRITE (itPNG) SIZE (1, 1) # Game loop. bgCount = 0 waitSpaceUp = FALSE moveOffset = 1/4 repelDir = 1 GLOBAL won = FALSE GLOBAL dead = FALSE WHILE NOT won AND NOT dead AND NOT KEYS.Escape { # Display a frame. MOVE man TO (manX, manY) MOVE it TO (itX, itY) MOVE WINDOW TO ((man.X + it.X) / 2 +0.5 - WINDOW.W/2, (man.Y + it.Y) / 2 +0.5 - WINDOW.H/2) SET WINDOW.B = (bgCount / 20) + 0.3 WAIT # Read the keyboard dx = 0 dy = 0 IF KEYS.LeftArrow { dx = -1 } IF KEYS.RightArrow { dx = 1 } IF KEYS.UpArrow { dy = -1 } IF KEYS.DownArrow { dy = 1 } # IF waitSpaceUp { # IF NOT KEYS.Space { waitSpaceUp = FALSE } # } ELSE { # IF KEYS.Space { repelDir = -repelDir waitSpaceUp = TRUE } # } IF KEYS.Space { repelDir = -1 } ELSE { repelDir = 1 } # Check what we're about to hit. IF DoesCollide(manX + dx*moveOffset, manY + dy*moveOffset, TRUE) { xhit = DoesCollide(manX + dx*moveOffset, manY, TRUE) yhit = DoesCollide(manX, manY + dy*moveOffset, TRUE) IF (xhit AND NOT yhit) { dx = 0 } IF (yhit AND NOT xhit) { dy = 0 } IF (xhit AND yhit ) { dx = 0 dy = 0 } } # Move the man IF dx <> 0 OR dy <> 0 { manX = manX + dx * moveOffset manY = manY + dy * moveOffset } # Now for it itdx = (manX - itX) * repelDir itdy = (manY - itY) * repelDir deltalen = SQRT((itdx*itdx) + (itdy*itdy)) itdx = itdx / deltalen itdy = itdy / deltalen # Check what it's about to hit. IF DoesCollide(itX + itdx*moveOffset, itY + itdy*moveOffset, FALSE) { xhit = DoesCollide(itX + itdx*moveOffset, itY, FALSE) yhit = DoesCollide(itX, itY + itdy*moveOffset, FALSE) IF (xhit AND NOT yhit) { itdx = 0 } IF (yhit AND NOT xhit) { itdy = 0 } IF (xhit AND yhit ) { itdx = 0 itdy = 0 } } # Move the it IF itdx <> 0 OR itdy <> 0 { itX = itX + itdx * moveOffset itY = itY + itdy * moveOffset } # Test for it meeting man, won! offx = (manX - itX) offy = (manY - itY) deltalen = SQRT((offx*offx) + (offy*offy)) IF deltalen < moveOffset * 3 { GLOBAL won = TRUE } # Fade the background. IF bgCount > 0 { bgCount = bgCount - 1 } } CLS GLOBAL bgSprites = [] # Helps the garbage collector. WHILE KEYS.Space { WAIT } IF won { Rocks_celebrate(itPNG) RETURN TRUE } ELSE { Rocks_celebrate(killPNG) RETURN FALSE } }
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