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# # niftris :-) # # -- andyh (andy at andyh dot co dot uk) # I T L J O S Z GLOBAL piecerotations = [2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2] GLOBAL piecegraphics = [ BlueBlock, CyanBlock, GreenBlock, GreyBlock, PurpleBlock, RedBlock, YellowBlock ] GLOBAL pieces = [ [ [ [0,1,0,0], [0,1,0,0], [0,1,0,0], [0,1,0,0] ] ], [ [ [1,1,1], [0,1,0], [0,0,0] ] ], [ [ [1,0,0], [1,0,0], [1,1,0] ] ], [ [ [0,0,1], [0,0,1], [0,1,1] ] ], [ [ [1,1], [1,1] ] ], [ [ [0,1,1], [1,1,0], [0,0,0] ] ], [ [ [1,1,0], [0,1,1], [0,0,0] ] ] ] DUMP "Set up rotated versions" DUMP "\A/" FOR p= IN pieces { # Make copies FOR i= IN piecerotations[p]-1 { GLOBAL pieces[p][i+1] = pieces[p][0] } piecesize = LEN(pieces[p][0]) - 1 # Update the three copies so they are # 90, 180 and 270 degree rotations of the first FOR y= IN pieces[p][0] { FOR x= IN pieces[p][0][y] { IF piecerotations[p] >= 2 { GLOBAL pieces[p][1][y][x] = pieces[p][0][x][piecesize-y] } IF piecerotations[p] >= 3 { GLOBAL pieces[p][2][y][x] = pieces[p][0][piecesize-y][piecesize-x] } IF piecerotations[p] >= 4 { GLOBAL pieces[p][3][y][x] = pieces[p][0][piecesize-x][y] } } } } DUMP "Set up the playing field \A/" GLOBAL blocksize = 16 GLOBAL fieldheight = 24 GLOBAL fieldwidth = 10 GLOBAL score = 0 GLOBAL spaceHeldDown = FALSE RESIZE WINDOW TO (fieldwidth * blocksize + 96, fieldheight * blocksize) GLOBAL playingfield = [] FOR y= IN fieldheight { GLOBAL playingfield[y] = [] FOR x= IN fieldwidth { GLOBAL playingfield[y][x] = 0 } } GLOBAL piecex = fieldwidth / 2 GLOBAL piecey = 0 GLOBAL nextpiecenum = FLOOR(RANDOM * 7) GLOBAL piecenum = -1 GLOBAL rotation = 0 GLOBAL nextpieceblocks = [] FOR i= IN 4 { GLOBAL nextpieceblocks[i] = SPRITE(piecegraphics[nextpiecenum]) } GLOBAL pieceblocks = [] # These pictures are decimal digits, used to show the score. GLOBAL DigitPictures = [ Cybernoid_Digit0, Cybernoid_Digit1, Cybernoid_Digit2, Cybernoid_Digit3, Cybernoid_Digit4, Cybernoid_Digit5, Cybernoid_Digit6, Cybernoid_Digit7, Cybernoid_Digit8, Cybernoid_Digit9 ] DEF SetDigits(sps, value) { FOR =sp IN sps { SET sp.Picture = DigitPictures[value%10] value = FLOOR(value / 10) } } bar = SPRITE(VerticalBar) RESIZE bar TO (8, WINDOW.H) MOVE bar TO (fieldwidth * blocksize, 0) scorelabel = SPRITE(Score) MOVE scorelabel TO ((fieldwidth+1) * blocksize, blocksize*5) GLOBAL scoresprites = [] FOR i= IN 5 { GLOBAL scoresprites[i] = SPRITE(DigitPictures[0]) MOVE scoresprites[i] TO ((fieldwidth)*blocksize + (scoresprites[i].W*(5-i)), blocksize*6) } levellabel = SPRITE(Level) MOVE levellabel TO ((fieldwidth+1) * blocksize, blocksize*8) GLOBAL levelsprites = [] FOR i= IN 2 { GLOBAL levelsprites[i] = SPRITE(DigitPictures[0]) MOVE levelsprites[i] TO ((fieldwidth)*blocksize + (levelsprites[i].W*(2-i)), blocksize*9) } # # Called when a piece has fallen as far as # it can - sets references to the sprites # in the playingfield table, so they are # counted in IsClear. # DEF FreezePiece() { FOR b= IN 4 { x = pieceblocks[b].X / blocksize y = pieceblocks[b].Y / blocksize GLOBAL playingfield[y][x] = pieceblocks[b] } CheckForLines() } # # Check for completed horizontal lines on the playing # field. # DEF CheckForLines() { SET WINDOW.R = 0 SET WINDOW.G = 0 SET WINDOW.B = 0 line = fieldheight-1 completedlines = 0 # Search for completed lines, and if any, # make the blocks go white for a few frames WHILE (line >= 0) { IF IsCompletedLine(line) { FOR x= IN fieldwidth { IF playingfield[line][x] != 0 { SET playingfield[line][x].Picture = WhiteBlock } } completedlines = completedlines + 1 } line = line - 1 } IF completedlines == 0 { RETURN } GLOBAL score = score + 2**(completedlines-1) SetDigits(scoresprites, score) GLOBAL level = FLOOR(score / 25) + 1 IF level > 25 { GLOBAL level = 25 } GLOBAL falldelay = 25 - level SetDigits(levelsprites, level) WAIT WAIT WAIT # Remove any completed lines and make the other # lines fall down the field line = fieldheight-1 WHILE (line >= 0) { IF IsCompletedLine(line) { # Remove the completed line FOR x= IN fieldwidth { IF playingfield[line][x] != 0 { HIDE playingfield[line][x] } } y = line - 1 WHILE (y >= 0) { # Move a line from above down FOR x= IN fieldwidth { IF playingfield[y][x] != 0 { MOVE playingfield[y][x] BY (0, blocksize) } } # Update the playing field FOR x= IN fieldwidth { GLOBAL playingfield[y+1][x] = playingfield[y][x] } y = y - 1 } } ELSE { # Only decrement this if a line wasn't removed # If one was removed, then everything's shifted # down square already. line = line - 1 } } } # # Returns true iff the line is full of blocks # DEF IsCompletedLine(line) { FOR x= IN fieldwidth { IF playingfield[line][x] == 0 { RETURN FALSE } } RETURN TRUE } # # Adds a new piece to the top of the playing # field. Returns FALSE if there is no room to # add this - game over. # DEF NewPiece() { # Random piece in top centre of playing field GLOBAL piecenum = nextpiecenum GLOBAL nextpiecenum = FLOOR(RANDOM * 7) GLOBAL rotation = 0 GLOBAL piecex = fieldwidth / 2 GLOBAL piecey = 0 IF IsClear(piecenum, rotation, piecex, piecey) { # Sprites for the current piece GLOBAL pieceblocks = [] FOR i= IN 4 { GLOBAL pieceblocks[i] = SPRITE(Block) SET pieceblocks[i].Picture = piecegraphics[piecenum] SET nextpieceblocks[i].Picture = piecegraphics[nextpiecenum] } ShowNextPiece() RETURN TRUE } ELSE { RETURN FALSE } } # # Move the block sprites to the positions # for the current piece # DEF ShowPiece() { blocknum = 0 FOR y= IN pieces[piecenum][rotation] { FOR x= IN pieces[piecenum][rotation][y] { IF pieces[piecenum][rotation][y][x] == 1 { MOVE pieceblocks[blocknum] TO ((piecex+x)*blocksize,(piecey+y)*blocksize) blocknum = blocknum + 1 } } } } # # Shows the shape of the piece that's going to appear # next, in the top right of the window. # DEF ShowNextPiece() { blocknum = 0 FOR y= IN pieces[nextpiecenum][0] { FOR x= IN pieces[nextpiecenum][0][y] { IF pieces[nextpiecenum][0][y][x] == 1 { MOVE nextpieceblocks[blocknum] TO ((fieldwidth+x+2)*blocksize,(y+1)*blocksize) blocknum = blocknum + 1 } } } } # # Returns TRUE iff there is room for the piece # given by newpiecenum in the rotation and position # given by the other parameters. # DEF IsClear(newpiecenum, newrotation, newpiecex, newpiecey) { FOR y= IN pieces[newpiecenum][newrotation] { FOR x= IN pieces[newpiecenum][newrotation][y] { IF pieces[newpiecenum][newrotation][y][x] == 1 { IF newpiecex + x < 0 { RETURN FALSE } IF newpiecex + x >= fieldwidth { RETURN FALSE } IF newpiecey + y < 0 { RETURN FALSE } IF newpiecey + y >= fieldheight { RETURN FALSE } IF playingfield[newpiecey + y][newpiecex + x] != 0 { RETURN FALSE } } } } RETURN TRUE } # Game loop GLOBAL level = 1 SetDigits(levelsprites, level) GLOBAL falldelay = 25 framecounter = 0 sincerotation = 0 spacefornewpiece = NewPiece() WHILE (spacefornewpiece) { ShowPiece() WAIT # Various things later flash the background # for one frame, so go back to black SET WINDOW.R = 0 SET WINDOW.G = 0 SET WINDOW.B = 0 framecounter = framecounter + 1 sincerotation = sincerotation + 1 IF KEYS.LeftArrow { IF IsClear(piecenum, rotation, piecex-1, piecey) { GLOBAL piecex = piecex - 1 WAIT } ELSE { SET WINDOW.B = 1 } } IF KEYS.RightArrow { IF IsClear(piecenum, rotation, piecex+1, piecey) { GLOBAL piecex = piecex + 1 WAIT } ELSE { SET WINDOW.B = 1 } } IF KEYS.LetterA AND sincerotation > 5 { newrotation = rotation + 1 IF newrotation >= piecerotations[piecenum] { newrotation = 0 } IF IsClear(piecenum, newrotation, piecex, piecey) { GLOBAL rotation = newrotation sincerotation = 0 } ELSE { SET WINDOW.B = 1 } } IF KEYS.LetterD AND sincerotation > 5 { newrotation = rotation - 1 IF newrotation < 0 { newrotation = piecerotations[piecenum]-1 } IF IsClear(piecenum, newrotation, piecex, piecey) { GLOBAL rotation = newrotation sincerotation = 0 } ELSE { SET WINDOW.B = 1 } } # Pieces fall at the rate defined by falldelay, # or you can use down arrow to accelerate the fall # if you're already lined up IF KEYS.DownArrow OR framecounter > falldelay { framecounter = 0 IF IsClear(piecenum, rotation, piecex, piecey+1) { GLOBAL piecey = piecey + 1 } ELSE { SET WINDOW.G = 1 ShowPiece() FreezePiece() IF NOT NewPiece() { spacefornewpiece = FALSE } } } IF KEYS.Space AND NOT spaceHeldDown { WHILE IsClear(piecenum, rotation, piecex, piecey+1) { GLOBAL piecey = piecey + 1 } GLOBAL spaceHeldDown = TRUE } IF NOT KEYS.Space { GLOBAL spaceHeldDown = FALSE } } SET WINDOW.R = 1 SET WINDOW.G = 0 SET WINDOW.B = 0 WAIT
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