Editing "Rocks"
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# A maze game. ## showDemos = FALSE ## #showDemos = TRUE ## mapOrder = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMN" # official ## #mapOrder = "INABCDEFGHJLM" # fiddling DEF makeMaps() { maps = [] maps["A"] = [ "<>###<>", "><+++><", "#+++++#", "#+++++#", "#+++++#", "<>+A+<>", "><###><" ] maps["B"] = [ "##########", "#AO O +#", "#### #> +#", " #######" ] maps["C"] = [ " ### ", "###+###", "#::O::#", "#:#+#:#", "# A #", "#######" ] maps["D"] = [ "<>###<>", "><OOO><", "#O+++O#", "#O+A+O#", "#O+++O#", "<>+++<>", "><###><" ] maps["E"] = [ "#######", "#+#+#+#", "#AOOOO#", "#+++++#", "#######" ] maps["F"] = [ "#########", "#+::A::+#", "##:O#O:##", "#::<+O::#", "#:#::<#:#", "#:+#::::#", "#########" ] maps["G"] = [ " #######", " # OA<", " #::O+<", "#### O+<", "# O+<", "#++++<", "####<" ] maps["H"] = [ "#######", "#+OOO+#", "##>O<##", "#O+++##", "#O#++ #", "#+# > #", "# A #", "#######" ] maps["I"] = [ "######", "#++++#", "#+OO+#", "#++++#", "#O+AO#", "#++++#", "#+OO+#", "#++++#", "######" ] maps["J"] = [ "##########", "#++OOO+++#", "#OO+OO+OO#", "#+O+++#++#", "#+A++O#++#", "#++O+++++#", "##########" ] maps["K"] = [ " ### ", "##O##", "# A:#", "## ##", " #+# ", " ### " ] maps["L"] = [ "################", "#AOO: O:O :OO+O#", "#+:#<>+<>+<>+O+#", "#+#+OO>OO>OO>+O#", "#+#OO<O++#++#O+#", "#+#O< + +#++#+O#", "#+#O#:+:<:++#O+#", "#+#+ >:<>##:#+O#", "#+#:# O O:#O+#", "#+#:#::O:<O>O+O#", "#+#:> O:<OOO>O+#", "#+#::>:<+:++#+O#", "#+>::::+#:++#O+#", "#+:>##:#O##:<+O#", "#::::::::::::::#", "################" ] maps["M"] = [ "##############", "#+O#OOOO+OOO+#", "##O#O>++:::+ #", "#AOOO## O # #", "# #>O+O#O# # #", "# O>++#+ #OO#", "#+ : ++ :#O++#", "#+>#### # O #", "#+ O#+# # #", "#+ : O ## OOO#", "#+># # O+::+#", "#+O# OOOOOO#", "#+:#+++++++++#", "##+###########" ] maps["N"] = [ "#########", "#OO+++++#", "#OO+OOOO#", "#OOOOOOO#", "#OOOOOOO#", "#OOOOOOO#", "#OOOOOOO#", "#OOOOOOO#", "#OOOOOOO#", "#OOO+OOO#", "#OO+++OO#", "#OOA+++O#", "#O+ #+O#", "#O++ O#", "#O++:+OO#", "#O+# +O#", "#O ++O#", "#OO+:++O#", "#O+ #+O#", "#O++ O#", "#+++:+++#", "# #", "#########" ] # Feel free to add new levels here. RETURN maps } maps = makeMaps() DEF makeDemos(maps) { demos = [] # Give each map an empty demo. FOR mapName= IN maps { demos[mapName]="" } # I'm afraid you have to insert waits for rockfalls manually at the moment. demos["A"] = "URDDLLUUURRDRDDDDLDLLULUU" demos["B"] = "RRRRRRRD" demos["C"] = "RRRUULRDDLLLLUURRUDD" demos["D"] = "DDRLLURRULLURR" demos["E"] = "DUUDRDULRRDUUDRDULRRDUU" demos["F"] = "RRRLDDRDDLLLUUDL-RURUULLLLRDDLDDR" demos["G"] = "LDULLDRDLDLLLDLRRR" demos["H"] = "RRUULULL-------RUURRLLLLRRDDDRLDDLLLU" demos["I"] = "DLLRURRDLRDDLLL-UUUUUURRRDDLL" demos["J"] = "RRDRRRRUUL--RUULLDRDDDLLUULL--UULLDDRLDDR" demos["K"] = "RLDD" demos["L"] = ( "DRLDDDDDDDDDDDDRRRRRUURLDDRRRRRRRRLURULURULURULURULURULUR" + "ULURDLLURLLLLDURLLLLDURLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDRRRDRRRRRRRRRUULLR" + "RULLLLLLRRUUURUULLRUUR--LURDDDLRDDLLLDULLDRDLDUUUUUURLRRULL" + "DDDDDDDDLLULDUUUUUR-------------LUUUU" ) demos["M"] = ( "DDRDRRRRRDDRRDDLRUUURLRURR-LURUUULLR-LDLLURRRRDDDLDLDLDLL" + "UULULDRLUUDRDLRRRUR-LUUUURLLDRULLDRULLLDDLLLDDDDDRDRRDDDRUL" + "RRDLURRDLURRDLURRDLURRDRRLURULLLLLLULUDRDRRRRURUUUURUUUULLL" + "LLLLLDDLLLRUULRDDLDDDDDDDDDRD" ) demos["N"] = ( "DRDRDDLDLDDRDRDRRLUUDLDLLLLRURLURUULUDRDRRRULRULU" + "URUDLDLLLURLURURRRLULLRULUUUU" + "UUUURRRR" ) RETURN demos } DEF run(maps, demos, showDemos=TRUE, mapOrder="ABCDEFGHIJKLMN") { IF NOT showDemos { # Throw away all the demos so people can actually play. FOR mapName= IN maps { demos[mapName]="" } } WHILE TRUE { FOR =mapName IN mapOrder { playUntilWin(maps[mapName], demo=demos[mapName]) } WHILE KEYS.Space { WAIT } CLS RESIZE WINDOW TO (31, 31) MOVE WINDOW TO (-2, -13) FOR y=row IN [ "+ + + + + + + ++++ +++ ", "+ + + ++ + ++ + + + +", "+ + + + + ++ + ++ +++ +++ ", "++ ++ + + + + + + + +", "+ + + + + + + ++++ + +" ] { FOR x=cell IN row { IF cell=="+" { MOVE SPRITE (wallPNG) SIZE (1, 1) TO (x, y) } } } WHILE NOT KEYS.Space { WAIT } CLS # Throw away all the demos so people can actually play. FOR mapName= IN maps { demos[mapName]="" } } } # Plays the same level repeatedly until the player solves it. DEF playUntilWin(map, demo="") { WHILE NOT playLevel(map, demo=demo) {} } # Plays a single level, displays a success or failure screen, and returns TRUE # for success and FALSE for failure. DEF playLevel(map, demo="") { RESIZE WINDOW TO (12, 12) # Define the mapping of characters to pictures. pictures = [] pictures[" "] = blankPNG pictures["A"] = blankPNG # This marks the start position. pictures[":"] = earthPNG pictures["+"] = diamondPNG pictures["O"] = rockPNG pictures["#"] = wallPNG pictures["<"] = leftPNG pictures[">"] = rightPNG # Construct sprites for the map, count diamonds, and find the start position. bgSprites = [] numDiamonds = 0 FOR y=row IN map { bgSprites[y] = [] FOR x=char IN row { sprite = SPRITE (pictures[char]) SIZE (1, 1) MOVE sprite TO (x, y) bgSprites[y][x] = sprite IF char == "A" { manX = x manY = y } ELSE { IF char == "+" { numDiamonds = numDiamonds + 1 } } } } DUMP numDiamonds DUMP " diamonds to collect\A/" IF demo!="" { DUMP "Playing demo: '" DUMP demo DUMP "'\A/" } # Construct a sprite for the man. man = SPRITE (manPNG) SIZE (1, 1) # Game loop. dx = 0 dy = 0 manCount = 0.0 bgCount = 0 manDead = FALSE demoPos = 0 # Position within the 'demo' string. moves = "" # Moves made so far. This is printed at the end of the level. WHILE numDiamonds > 0 AND NOT manDead { # Display a frame. MOVE man TO (manX - dx*manCount, manY - dy*manCount) MOVE WINDOW TO (man.X +0.5 - WINDOW.W/2, man.Y +0.5 - WINDOW.H/2) SET WINDOW.B = bgCount * 0.05 WAIT # Read the demo or the keyboard, if the man is exactly in a square. IF manCount == 0 { IF demoPos < LEN(demo) { # Get the next move from the demo sequence. key = demo[demoPos] demoPos = demoPos + 1 IF key == "L" { dx = -1 } IF key == "R" { dx = 1 } IF key == "U" { dy = -1 } IF key == "D" { dy = 1 } } ELSE { # Get the next move by reading the keyboard. IF KEYS.LeftArrow { dx = dx - 1 } IF KEYS.RightArrow { dx = dx + 1 } IF KEYS.UpArrow { dy = dy - 1 } IF KEYS.DownArrow { dy = dy + 1 } IF dy!=0 { dx = 0 } } # Check what we're about to hit. aheadSprite = bgSprites[manY+dy][manX+dx] ahead = aheadSprite.Picture # Is it a diamond? IF ahead == diamondPNG { numDiamonds = numDiamonds - 1 ##DUMP numDiamonds DUMP " diamonds left\A/" bgCount = 20 } # Is it a rock? IF ahead == rockPNG { # Check what we're pushing it into. IF dy == 0 AND bgSprites[manY][manX + 2*dx].Picture == blankPNG { # Push succeeds. SET bgSprites[manY][manX + 2*dx].Picture = rockPNG } ELSE { # Push fails. dx = 0 dy = 0 } } # Is it a wall? IF isWall(ahead) { dx = 0 dy = 0 } # Does the man move? IF dx != 0 OR dy != 0 { manX = manX + dx manY = manY + dy manCount = 1.0 # Overwrite the square ahead with a blank. SET aheadSprite.Picture = blankPNG # Record the move. IF dx!=0 { IF dx<0 { key = "L" } ELSE { key = "R" } } ELSE { IF dy<0 { key = "U" } ELSE { key = "D" } } moves = moves + key } } # Move the man. IF manCount > 0.0 { manCount = manCount - 0.25 IF manCount == 0.0 { # Stop moving. dx = 0 dy = 0 } } # Fade the background. IF bgCount > 0 { bgCount = bgCount - 1 } # Scan for rocks. manDead = moveRocks(manX, manY, dx, dy, bgSprites) OR KEYS.Escape } # We've either won or lost. SET WINDOW.B = 0.0 bgSprites = [] # Helps the garbage collector. DUMP "Moves made: " DUMP moves DUMP "\A/" # IF demo=="" { dummy = playLevel(map, demo=moves) } IF numDiamonds == 0 { CLS IF demo=="" { celebrate(diamondPNG) } RETURN TRUE } ELSE { FOR i= IN 20 { MOVE WINDOW BY (0.3*(RANDOM-0.5), 0.3*(RANDOM-0.5)) WAIT } CLS celebrate(rockPNG) RETURN FALSE } } # Move all the falling rocks. # Returns 'TRUE' if the man dies, otherwise 'FALSE'. DEF moveRocks(manX, manY, dx, dy, bgSprites) { # This array of flags is used to ensure rocks only move once each frame. isMoving = [] FOR x= IN bgSprites[0] { isMoving[x] = FALSE } # Scan for rocks. FOR y=row IN bgSprites { FOR x=rockSprite IN row { IF rockSprite.Picture == rockPNG { IF isMoving[x] { isMoving[x] = FALSE } ELSE { rowBelow = bgSprites[y+1] belowSprite = rowBelow[x] dests = [] dests[x] = TRUE below = belowSprite.Picture IF isLeft(below) AND row[x-1].Picture == blankPNG { # It could fall left. dests[x - 1] = TRUE } IF isRight(below) AND row[x+1].Picture == blankPNG { # It could fall right. dests[x + 1] = TRUE } FOR destX= IN dests { # Is there anything in the way? destSprite = rowBelow[destX] # IF moving into a blank AND the man is not in the way IF ( destSprite.Picture == blankPNG ) AND ( (destX != manX-dx AND destX != manX) OR (y+1 != manY-dy AND y+1 != manY AND y != manY-dy AND y != manY) ) { # Move the rock. SET rockSprite.Picture = blankPNG SET destSprite.Picture = rockPNG isMoving[destX] = TRUE # Does it squash the man? IF destX == manX-dx AND y + 2 == manY-dy { RETURN TRUE } # Don't consider any other destination for this rock. BREAK } } } } } } RETURN FALSE } # Define some useful tests. DEF isWall(pic) { IF pic == wallPNG { RETURN TRUE } IF pic == leftPNG { RETURN TRUE } IF pic == rightPNG { RETURN TRUE } RETURN FALSE } DEF isLeft(pic) { IF pic == diamondPNG { RETURN TRUE } IF pic == rockPNG { RETURN TRUE } IF pic == leftPNG { RETURN TRUE } RETURN FALSE } DEF isRight(pic) { IF pic == diamondPNG { RETURN TRUE } IF pic == rockPNG { RETURN TRUE } IF pic == rightPNG { RETURN TRUE } RETURN FALSE } # Runs a little celebration animation. DEF celebrate(picture) { MOVE WINDOW TO (0, 0) sparks = [] FOR count= IN 100 { sparks[count] = [ x = WINDOW.W/2 - 0.5, y = WINDOW.H/2 -0.5, dx = (RANDOM - 0.5) * 1, dy = (RANDOM - 0.5) * 1, sprite = SPRITE (picture) SIZE (1, 1) ] } WHILE NOT KEYS.Space { count = (count + 1) % 100 HIDE sparks[count].sprite sparks[count] = [ x = WINDOW.W/2 - 0.5, y = WINDOW.H/2 - 0.5, dx = (RANDOM - 0.5) * 1, dy = (RANDOM - 0.5) * 1, sprite = SPRITE (picture) SIZE (1, 1) ] FOR i=spark IN sparks { spark.x = spark.x + spark.dx spark.y = spark.y + spark.dy spark.dy = spark.dy + 0.01 MOVE spark.sprite TO (spark.x, spark.y) sparks[i] = spark } WAIT } CLS } maps = makeMaps() demos = makeDemos(maps) run(maps, demos, showDemos=FALSE)
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