Editing "Thrust"
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# An imitation of Thrust # by Alistair Turnbull. # The keys are Z, X and Shift. initialise() GLOBAL map = [ " ## ", " ", " ### ### ", " #### ### ", "###### ####", "######### ####", " ##### ####", " ##### ## ", " ", "## ", "## P P ##", "#################" ] WHILE TRUE { playLevel() FOR x= IN 30 { SET WINDOW.R = 1 - (x / 30) SET WINDOW.G = RANDOM / 10 SET WINDOW.B = RANDOM / 10 WAIT } } ############################################################################### ### Initialisation ### # Sets up global variables. DEF initialise() { Trig_init(5) GLOBAL ships = makeShips() GLOBAL mapPictures = makeMapPictures() GLOBAL picturePaths = makePicturePaths() GLOBAL orbPNG = Rocks_rockPNG } # Returns a list of the 32 ship pictures. Item '0' is a picture of a ship # pointing upwards, and subsequent pictures are the same picture rotated # clockwise is steps of 11.25 degrees (1/32 of a circle). DEF makeShips() { RETURN [ ship00, ship01, ship02, ship03, ship04, ship05, ship06, ship07, ship08, ship09, ship10, ship11, ship12, ship13, ship14, ship15, ship16, ship17, ship18, ship19, ship20, ship21, ship22, ship23, ship24, ship25, ship26, ship27, ship28, ship29, ship30, ship31 ] } # Returns a map from one-character strings to pictures. DEF makeMapPictures() { ans = [] ans[" "] = blank ans["#"] = wall ans["P"] = pod RETURN ans } # Returns a map from pictures to lists of paths, such that the shape of a # picture (for the purposes of collision detection) is the union of the # interiors of its list of paths. Each path is of the format expected by the # 'pathHitsCircle()' function. DEF makePicturePaths() { ans = [] ans[blank] = [ ] ans[wall] = [ [[0, 0], [64, 0], [64, 64], [0, 64]] ] ans[pod] = [ [[25, 64], [18, 45], [46, 45], [39, 64]] ] RETURN ans } ############################################################################### ### Game logic ### # Plays the game. Call 'initialise()' and set the global variable 'map' before # calling this subroutine. DEF playLevel() { CLS makeBackSprites() GLOBAL shipX = 0 GLOBAL shipY = 0 GLOBAL shipDX = 0 GLOBAL shipDY = 0 GLOBAL shipA = 0 GLOBAL shipSp = SPRITE(ships[0]) GLOBAL orbDX = 50 GLOBAL orbDY = 0 GLOBAL orbSp = SPRITE(orbPNG) alive = TRUE WHILE (alive) { readKeys() GLOBAL shipDY = shipDY + 0.1 # Gravity. GLOBAL shipX = shipX + shipDX GLOBAL shipY = shipY + shipDY IF backHitsShip() { alive = FALSE } drawFrame() } } # Reads 'KEYS' and modifies 'shipA', 'shipDX' and 'shipDY' accordingly. DEF readKeys() { IF KEYS.LetterZ { GLOBAL shipA = shipA - 1 } IF KEYS.LetterX { GLOBAL shipA = shipA + 1 } cs = Trig_circle[shipA % 32] IF KEYS.Shift { GLOBAL shipDX = shipDX + 0.5 * cs[1] GLOBAL shipDY = shipDY - 0.5 * cs[0] } } ############################################################################### ### Graphics ### # Sets the global variable 'backSprites' to a grid of sprites large enough to # cover the window. These sprites are moved around as necessary to give the # illusion of an infinite map. DEF makeBackSprites() { GLOBAL backSprites = [] FOR y= IN CEIL (WINDOW.H/64) + 1 { GLOBAL backSprites[y] = [] FOR x= IN CEIL (WINDOW.W/64) + 1 { GLOBAL backSprites[y][x] = SPRITE (wall) } } } DEF drawFrame() { SET shipSp.Picture = ships[shipA % 32] MOVE shipSp TO (shipX - 16, shipY - 16) MOVE orbSp TO (shipX - 16 + orbDX, shipY - 16 + orbDY) MOVE WINDOW TO ( ROUND(shipX + 5*shipDX - WINDOW.W/2), ROUND(shipY + 5*shipDY - WINDOW.H/2) ) updateBackSprites( FLOOR (WINDOW.X / 64), FLOOR(WINDOW.Y / 64), CEIL ((WINDOW.X+WINDOW.W) / 64), CEIL ((WINDOW.Y+WINDOW.H) / 64) ) sky = 0 MAX shipY/64/LEN map MIN 1 SET WINDOW.R = 0.7*sky SET WINDOW.G = 0.1 + sky*(1-sky) SET WINDOW.B = 0.5 - 0.4*sky IF backHitsShip() { SET WINDOW.G = 1 } # Debug. WAIT } # Ensures that sprites in 'backSprites' have the correct positions and pictures # to show the specified rectangle of 'map'. DEF updateBackSprites(xl, yt, xr, yb) { FOR yo= IN yb-yt { y = yt + yo backRow = backSprites[y % LEN backSprites] mapRow = map[0 MAX y MIN (LEN map - 1)] FOR xo= IN xr-xl { x = xl + xo backSp = backRow[x % LEN backRow] SET backSp.Picture = mapPictures[mapRow[x % LEN mapRow]] MOVE backSp TO (x*64, y*64) } } } ############################################################################### ### Collision detection ### # Tests whether a ship overlaps the background. This function just makes # several calls to 'backHitsCircle()' passing circles that approximate the # shape of the ship. DEF backHitsShip() { cs = Trig_circle[shipA % 32] # RETURN backHitsCircle(shipX, shipY, 16) is faster and nearly as good. RETURN ( backHitsCircle(shipX, shipY, 10) OR backHitsCircle(shipX+13*cs[1], shipY-13*cs[0], 3) OR backHitsCircle(shipX-7.5*cs[1]-8.5*cs[0], shipY+7.5*cs[0]-8.5*cs[1], 4.5) OR backHitsCircle(shipX-7.5*cs[1]+8.5*cs[0], shipY+7.5*cs[0]+8.5*cs[1], 4.5) ) } # Tests whether the specified circle overlaps the background. This function # compares the circle to the outlines of each of the map pictures it overlaps, # using 'pathHitsCircle()'. DEF backHitsCircle(x, y, r) { xl = FLOOR((x-r) / 64) xr = CEIL((x+r) / 64) yt = FLOOR((y-r) / 64) yb = CEIL((y+r) / 64) FOR yo= IN yb-yt { mapY = yt + yo mapRow = map[0 MAX mapY MIN (LEN map - 1)] FOR xo= IN xr-xl { mapX = xl + xo mapCell = mapRow[mapX % LEN mapRow] FOR =path IN picturePaths[mapPictures[mapCell]] { IF pathHitsCircle(path, x - 64*mapX, y - 64*mapY, r) { RETURN TRUE } } } } RETURN FALSE } # Tests whether the circle with centre 'x', 'y' and radius 'r' intersects the # interior of the specified closed path. The path is specified as a list of # pairs of coordinates, each representing one corner. For example, the following # defines a square of side 10: [[0, 0], [10, 0], [10, 10], [0, 10]]. The path # need not be convex, and may self-intersect. An even-odd winding rule is used # to define its interior. DEF pathHitsCircle(path, x, y, r) { isInside = FALSE prev = path[LEN path - 1] FOR =next IN path { # Work out the vector from 'prev' to the circle. dx = x - prev[0] dy = y - prev[1] # Check if 'prev' is inside the circle. IF dx*dx + dy*dy < r*r { RETURN TRUE } # Work out the unit vector along the edge from 'prev' to 'next'. px = next[0] - prev[0] py = next[1] - prev[1] len = SQRT(px*px + py*py) px = px / len py = py / len # Check if the circle intersects the edge from 'prev' to 'next'. u = dx*px + dy*py v = dx*py - dy*px IF u>0 AND u<len AND ABS(v)<r { RETURN TRUE } # Update the even-odd test. IF y>prev[1] XOR y>next[1] { isInside = isInside XOR v<0 XOR prev[1]>next[1] } prev = next } RETURN isInside } ############################################################################### ### Test code (not normally called) ### DEF testShips() { ship = SPRITE (ship00) MOVE ship TO (112, 112) WHILE (TRUE) { FOR i= IN 32 { SET ship.Picture = ships[i] WAIT }} }
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