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DEF DumpLn(x) { DUMP x DUMP "\A/" } RESIZE WINDOW TO (10, 10) DumpLn(WINDOW) DEF SetWindowCol(colour) { cols = [ black = [0, 0, 0], white = [1, 1, 1], red = [1, 0, 0], green = [0, 1, 0], blue = [0, 0, 1], yellow = [1, 1, 0], cyan = [0,1, 1], magenta = [1, 0, 1] ] k = cols[colour] ###old = [WINDOW.R, WINDOW.G, WINDOW.B] SET WINDOW.R = k[0]; SET WINDOW.G = k[1]; SET WINDOW.B = k[2] ###IF k != old { DumpLn(colour) } } DEF OnArrowKey(key, object) { moves = [ LeftArrow = [-1, 0], RightArrow = [ 1, 0], DownArrow = [ 0, 1], UpArrow = [ 0, -1] ] # Apply the move, if it takes us off the Window, return an "undo it" move. move = moves[key] MOVE object.sprite BY (object.xstep*move[0], object.ystep*move[1]) IF NOT Contains(WINDOW, object.sprite) { SetWindowCol("yellow") RETURN [-object.xstep*move[0], -object.ystep*move[1]] } # We've already moved it and it worked. RETURN [0, 0] } DEF OnLeft(object) { RETURN OnArrowKey("LeftArrow", object) } DEF OnRight(object) { RETURN OnArrowKey("RightArrow", object) } DEF OnUp(object) { RETURN OnArrowKey("UpArrow", object) } DEF OnDown(object) { RETURN OnArrowKey("DownArrow", object) } DEF ballOnDown(self) { d = OnDown(self) IF d[1]!=0 { DUMP "Boing!\A/" } RETURN d } genericHandlers = [ LeftArrow = OnLeft, RightArrow = OnRight, DownArrow = OnDown, UpArrow = OnUp ] MOVE SPRITE(IMG5890) SIZE(WINDOW.W, ) TO (0, 0) ballSprite = SPRITE(ball) SIZE (1, 1) MOVE ballSprite TO (0, 0) logoHandlers = genericHandlers ballHandlers = genericHandlers + [DownArrow = ballOnDown] logoSprite = SPRITE(smalllogo) SIZE (1, 1) MOVE logoSprite TO (3, 3) GLOBAL Objects = [ ball = [sprite=ballSprite, handlers=ballHandlers, xstep=0.15, ystep=0.15, dx=0, dy=0 ], logo = [sprite=logoSprite, handlers=logoHandlers, xstep=0.5, ystep=0.5, dx=0, dy=0 ] ] ## Returns TRUE if a and b overlap DEF Collides(a, b) { IF a.X < b.X { IF a.X + a.W < b.X { RETURN FALSE } } ELSE { IF b.X + b.W < a.X { RETURN FALSE } } IF a.Y < b.Y { IF a.Y + a.H < b.Y { RETURN FALSE } } ELSE { IF b.Y + b.H < a.Y { RETURN FALSE } } RETURN TRUE } ## Returns TRUE if a contains b (no part of b does not overlap a) DEF Contains(a, b) { aL = a.X aR = a.X + a.W bL = b.X bR = b.X + b.W aT = a.Y aB = a.Y + a.H bT = b.Y bB = b.Y + b.H RETURN ( bL >= aL AND bR <= aR AND bT >= aT AND bB <= aB ) } DEF Run() { object = Objects.ball WHILE TRUE { SetWindowCol("black") move = [0, 0] FOR key=handler IN object.handlers { IF KEYS[key]{ keymove = handler(object) move = [move[0] + keymove[0], move[1] + keymove[1]] MOVE object.sprite BY (move[0], move[1]) ret1 = Collides(Objects.ball.sprite, Objects.logo.sprite) ret2 = Collides(Objects.logo.sprite, Objects.ball.sprite) IF ret1 != ret2 { SetWindowCol("red") DumpLn(Objects.ball.sprite) DumpLn(Objects.logo.sprite) Crash() } ELIF (ret1) { SetWindowCol("green") } } } IF KEYS.LetterL { object=Objects.logo } IF KEYS.LetterB { object=Objects.ball } WAIT } } Run()
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